then it gets even worse when you hear about a white rapper...immediatley you think of this:
But joe is much different…he is hard to define and doesn’t fall into any stereotype. I think this is a major part of his appeal and why people are drawn to him…it makes you want to figure him out and see why he is the way he is…and I think at the end of the day he is just into a lot of stuff…he has a lot of interests and isn’t afraid to explore them…
But enough about all that, lets get to the good stuff!
Joe goes by the name sintax.the.terrific…if you want to know what it means ask him yourself…im sure he would gladly tell you all about it…he does have a day job and do we have any guesses as to what that is?
That’s right he is a lawyer…at first you may be like, “what? He is a lawyer/rapper?” But if you think about it for a second it makes sense…both use words to spin their stories, so really, why not a lawyer?
He is part of a crew called Deepspace5 which was signed on Gotee but now they are doing their own thing…they are sort of a big deal…Check out their video for “Talk Music.”
For me, these guys could be big but have taken a more grassroots approach and use this as their creative outlet as well as their ministry…All the guys in Deepspace can kill it so check them all out. Click Here for their MySpace with music.
Now let's compare a few lawyer/rapper photos of him and then listen to some of his music…
Here he is in his lawyer gear with his wife…
And here is in hip hop mode…
This is his video for "Moonlighting." Its a pretty cool video that shows off a little of personal life...very nice.
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